Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business
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Econometric Impact Methods, Forecasting and Modeling

Half of Dr. Lori Lewis’ projects include these types of work—econometric impact methods, evaluation and research design, and forecasting and modeling. Most of her projects fall into these categories and her 2 national awards are based upon her innovations in these areas.

Analytical Evaluation Consultants’ client focus enables our customers to make informed program and policy decisions. Our team manages and conducts studies that incorporate econometric methods, other quantitative methods, forecasting, and econometric and other modeling. Methods include the following types:

  • Always meet or exceed the Guiding Principles from AEA (American Evaluation Association)
  • Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) and Fixed-Effects with cross-sectional time-series data
  • Work with Large Datasets
  • Regressions on individual’s data with contextual variables for various specific local area economic and social elements
  • Multi-equation forecast modeling (120 equations), fitting for structure and add factors as needed
  • Simple forecasting given an impact or policy need
  • Including a specific sociology perspective variable in economic forecast
  • Undertaking or integrating with a demographic cohort-component model
  • Nested Logit
  • Survival Analysis
  • Economic Impact Model
  • Assessing violation of method assumptions & correcting for these
  • Assessing distributions of the data vis à vis the methods used
  • Developing business analysis tools for use in impact/outcome evaluation

Many of the projects in these categories also include work in the evaluation design category on the next web page: Evaluation and Survey Design, Logic Model, Market Research & Policy Analysis. Please see that web page for methods, work type and/or issues addressed in these categories.

Please see Our Team page for a more detailed description of Dr. Lewis’ experience over the last 30 years.

Analytical Evaluation Consultants’ clientele include multi-state, federal, and local agencies and utilities. Please refer to our client page for a list of our clients.